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Natural Alternative Health Practitioners

Find a Natural Health Practitioner Near You

We are committed to seeking alternative health remedies for illness and disease and so have created this natural health directory of alternative medicine practitioners and natural health doctors. Members of this directory are alternative practitioners, doctors, and like minded people, who use precise methodologies to assess your state of health and can give accurate assessments based on science. They can also provide alternative treatments and remedies that can progress you towards your ideal state of health. Our directory includes ayurvedic doctors, chiropractors, dietitians and nutritionists, holistic doctors, homeopaths, massage therapists, naturopaths, osteopaths, personal trainers, and physiotherapists.

Below are links to natural health practitioners and doctors.
Ayurvedic Doctors and Practitioners
Chiropractors and Chiropractitioners
Dietitians and Nutritionists
Holistic Doctors
Homeopathic Doctors
Massage Therapists
Naturopathic Doctors
Osteopathic Doctors
Personal Trainers
Physiotherapists and Physio Doctors
Shop by Health Concern
Join Our Alternative Health Directory
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