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Pride: Herbal Africa
Herbal Treatment for HIV / AIDS
30ml Drops
R 150.00

Pride: Herbal Anti-Viral and Immune Stimulant

Pride is a herbal anti-viral and immune system stimulant. Made from natural African herbs, it is widely used as a herbal treatment for HIV and AIDS patients. Pride has added benefits of anti-bacterial, anti-parasitical and anti-fungal properties.

What does Pride do?

  • Herbs assist by halting the reproduction of the HIV virus
  • Herbs have effective anti-viral properties
  • Stimulates the body's immune system
  • Herbs detoxify the liver

Vegan Friendly

Pride can be used for:

HIV Virus


Liver Detoxification

AIDS Patients

Immune System

Improving CD4 Count

Bacterial Infections


Fungal Infections

Gastrointestinal Disorders



Recommended use:
Adults: 6 to 8 drops, 3 times daily in 10ml of water or under the tongue. Do not overdose.
For maximum results take Pride together with Impi.
Contra Indications: Not to be taken during pregnancy. Patients with a hypersensitivity to any of the plant species or ingredients. Overdosing may cause swelling.
A. Arborescens
African Cucumis
Artemisia Afra
Mathema Herb
African Helichrysum
Alcohol and Water

The Benefits of Using Pride Herbal Antiviral Immune Stimulant

Pride retards the reproduction of the HIV virus, stabilising the condition of the user. It also stimulates the body's immune system and rids the liver of body toxins, invigorating the patient. The Pride formula also has anti-viral properties. For HIV sufferers and maximum results, Pride should be used together with IMPI herbal immune booster.
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